O romance Uma noite de paixão foi publicado em Chapter 131 Ele se foi? com detalhes novos e inesperados. Você pode dizer que o autor Internet investiu muito em Uma noite de paixão com sinceridade. Depois de ler Chapter 131 Ele se foi?, senti uma tristeza gentil, mas profunda. Agora, vamos ler Chapter 131 Ele se foi? e os próximos capítulos da série Uma noite de paixão no Good Novel Online.
I grabbed a jacket with me and asked one of the drivers to take me to the Archer hospital because the weather was a little chilly outside. M-most City’s well-known thoroughfares were all located in close proximity to where the hospital was located. I rushed inside and was greeted by my father-in-law and Zion’s grandparents. Grandma was sobbing, but as soon as she noticed me, she wiped her eyes dry and turned away, as if to force herself to stop sobbing. I could see and feel the sadness in everyone’s eyes as they kept staring at the white door before them.
Shortly after my arrival, Mishka and Lucas also arrived. If I claim that I am aware of the emotions I am experiencing right now, I would be lying. Despite the fact that I despise my husband for what he did, I am happy that he was able to get our daughter back. At this very moment, many thoughts are going through my head. Why, of all the things in the world, didn’t Kelly request that Zion and I go our separate ways so that she might finally fulfill her lifelong dream of being Lady Archer? What prompted her to make such a quick request to sleep with Zion?
No, no, it can’t be. No!
I yelled at the back of my head, “It can’t be!” I truly can’t able to withstand one more blow. No, I really can’t. Kelly has taken too much from me. I was a total disaster. I was completely oblivious to Mishka’s approach and couldn’t even hear her.
“You okay?”
“Mishka, I truly don’t know how I feel about any of this. I just don’t know how I feel. I have never, not even in my wildest dreams, considered the possibility that my husband would cheat on me in such a way.”
“Maya, you know I will always tell you the truth right now.” She paused what she was doing and stared at me. “At this very moment, you are acting in an irrational manner. It is true that a husband and wife share a special link and certain boundaries that should never be violated, but despite the fact that your husband made the noble decision to make a sacrifice in order to save your daughter, you are holding him responsible for the situation. Have you taken a look at your daughter, the bruises, and everything? Are you seriously going to put a dick first before your family?”
“Simply said, it’s not easy. Zion is the subject of universal praise for his role as a doting spouse. Nobody is concerned about how I am feeling.” I blurted out.
“I am not asking you to forget what happened, Maya. I am asking you to consider how Zion felt when the only option to save his daughter was to sleep with the woman he hated. It is pretty obvious that it didn’t go well since Kelly saw the need to drug him.“ I cried my eyes out, unsure of how I should feel. Zion could have listened to me, but he made the decision not to do so instead.
“Just be there for your husband; wait for him to wake up so he can explain everything. You are being too quick to judge him. By the look of things, Zion might not even know what happened to him.”
Even though Mishka was correct about many things, I still can’t bring myself to accept the fact that my spouse had sexual relations with another woman. That is just extremely difficult to comprehend. The one person who might be able to explain what took place to me is currently unconscious, but the good news is that I have my daughter back. What kind of test is this? I know that married life isn’t always supposed to be a bed of roses, but why should I be put through this? I listened as Mishka murmured something to Lucas and saw as he responded by nodding his head as she approached him. I watch them both leave and then come back after a few minutes with coffee in their hands.
Murmurei para mim mesmo: 'Minha cabeça dói', enquanto segurava minha cabeça na palma da mão para aliviar a agonia lancinante que latejava nas paredes do meu crânio. “Minha cabeça dói,” eu repeti. "Minha cabeça dói."
'Maldita dor de cabeça!', gritei no fundo do meu crânio latejante. O tom otimista da voz de Mishka me trouxe de volta à verdade dolorosa.
Os comentários dos leitores sobre o romance: Uma noite de paixão
Adorei o livro uma noite de paixão... Adorei o presente que você deixou no final, que foi um trecho do livro é Meu marido gigolo, e eu queria muito saber aonde eu continuo a ler...
Oiiii, não tem mais capítulos?...
continuação é necessária, não terminou o livro para estar concluido...